Validation Certificate

Among the laboratory and chemical equipment producers throughout the country, ISOLAB is the only corporation in the market which is allowed to perform its productions in class 10.000 sterile rooms. Not only whith its internationally valid accreditation certificate but also with the validation proficiency letter, ISOLAB has always been a unique and pioneer company in its field. Completely sterile products used for biotech, genetics and life science industries are produced in the clean rooms.
Single Certificate

This accreditation certificate documents that ISOLAB Calibration Certificate issued for its products is completely valid and authorized both domestically and internationally. Being issued separately for different products, each of these certificates contains the traceability code of the product, related measurement results and other necessary information. As an accredited producer, ISOLAB is licensed to issue calibration documents for volumetric glassware (e.g volumetric flasks, measuring cylinders) and liquid handling instruments like pipettes and burettes.
Batch Certificate

All of the volumetric glass equipment is produced along with their Batch Certificate and conformity symbol. Following each serial production step, a necessary number of finished goods are subjected to a bunch of required standardization tests. The products which successfully pass through all the tests are documented with the relevant Batch Certificate so that all of the necessary codes and batch number are printed around the conformity "H" logo. Production date of the good and all the other imformation about its production are present on the Batch Certificate.
ISO 9001

Our Quality Management System certificate ensures our customers that they are receiving products designed and manufactured according to the highest international quality standard and our primary target is customer satisfaction.