cleaning & safety & protection & sterilization
Alternative 2 bottles:
Eye wash bottle filled with
sterile saline rinsing solution
Eye wash bottle filled with
sterile neutralisation solution
solution descriptions
with 0,9% saline rinsing solution
with4,9%phosphatebuffer neutralisationsolution
1 piece
1 piece
069.05.175 / empty bottle without solution / 1 piece
Compact size offers easy carry in a
jacket pocket.
User looks directly into a mirror
during rinsing. Focusing on the
mirror with the eye lid open helps
overcome the blinking reflex.
Manufactured as a personal eye wash bottle for emergency
Ideal size for persons being frequently present in different
risky working areas.
Compact size with 175 ml volume capacity offers easy
carry in a jacket pocket.
The spray head fits securely around the eye socket to hold
eyelid in an open position during application.
Eye wash bottle provides a soft, broad and effective spray
with a single action.
The spray head has a perforated plate to break up the
stream providing a gentle spray to the eye.
A capped air vent valve prevents drawback of the
contaminated eye wash back to the reservoir.
Snap-on cap covers the spray head in a hygienic way and
guarantees perfect protection of inside from dust and other
environmental effects.
Contaminated used solution exits through a drain tube
which rotates in any direction.
For keeping eye wash bottles
always “ready-for-use” stage.
Keeps the bottle stable at
his nest and guarantees easy
and fast access to the bottle.
Featured with a mirror and
printed on the body.
User looks directly into a
mirror during rinsing.
Supplied with necessary
screw set for mounting on the
“compact size”
“for eye wash bottle”
Sterile saline rinsing solution contains 0,9% sodium
chloride. Helpful in rinsing away dust, debris and other
harmful irritants.
Does not involve any side effects since the pH value is
similar to that of human tears.
Prevents the foreign bodies from sticking into the eye
and causing serious harm.
Does not contain pathogens that could cause infection,
and will not damage eye or skin tissue during prolonged
sterile saline rinsing solution
When acids and alkalis contact the eyes or skin damage
can start immediately.
pH neutralising solution contains a sterile 4,9%
phosphate buffer solution.
Helpful in rinsing and neutralisation of acids and alkalis
and other chemical contaminants to a harmless level in a
very short time period.
It is recommended to rinse the eye with saline solution
after treatment with pH neutralisation solution.
sterile neutralisation solution
1 piece