Ideal for fast and practical manual counting of colonies on any agar in petri dishes. The versatile unique design accepts petri dishes from 40 mm to 100 mm. Intelligent counter with LED digitron display allows fast and precise count of the colonies between 0 - 999. Numericals on the counter can be adjusted backward and forward manually. Featured with a 90 mm diameter magnifier attached to a goose neck, flexible holder. Flexible holder enables both magnifying lens position and illumination angle adjustable in multiangular axes. High quality magnifier with 3x / 9x magnification power provides distortion free images with edge-to-edge sharpness. Two LED lights under the magnifier provide super bright overhead illumination for more accurate count. 115 mm diameter counting plate allows practical use of dishes up to 100 mm diameter. 1 square centimeter cross sectional template of the counting plate guarantees reliable counting. Counting table is featured with a backward LED illumination with variable light control. Circular LED illumination system offers a shadow and flicker free illumination without heat development with optimal concentration of light. Marking is done by a “felt pin pen” which is connected to the system by cable.

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